Dod flip ifr supplement pdf
Dod flip ifr supplement pdf

dod flip ifr supplement pdf

To ensure that only the latest charts are used, FAA publishes Dates of Latest Edition, available free from FAA distribution centers and sales agents. For 'fold-out' charts (DoD-only products: Enroutes, Terminal Areas, Area Arrival Charts Depicting Terrain Data, and AP/1B Military Training Routes) contact Techna-Graphics, Inc. When inquiring about a product please state your DoD Activity Address Code (e.g.,JM5000) and the NGA Reference Number(s) of the Product(s). If above self-search method fails, contact NGAs DoD FLIP printing contractors directly (except Army, see note below). If unsure from where the Automatic Initial Distribution (AD) originated, please contact NGA at the following numbers: DSN 369-5270, toll free COM 80 or COM 63. Every possible effort should be made on-base or locally to find delayed or undelivered shipments.

dod flip ifr supplement pdf

MISSING OR LOST FLIP SUBSCRIPTION/AUTOMATIC DISTRIBUTION (AD) SHIPMENTS Inquiries concerning automatic distribution shortages or undelivered shipments of Flight Information Publications for both Continental United States and Overseas based customers should be made through local receipt channels, such as the base Post Office, the base Transportation Office, the local parcel service, etc., whichever is the established transportation carrier for delivery of products. Enroute Products These publications are designed to provide enroute information portraying high and low altitude airway systems with related navigational data and airports required to support radio navigation. Planning Products FLIP planning products include books intended primarily for use in pre-flight planning at base, squadron and unit operations offices and low altitude, large scale wall charts showing radio aids to navigation, authorized airports, and other aeronautical data necessary for preliminary flight planning. Sufficient quantities of each product type are produced and printed to adequately supply all active subscription accounts and depot shelf stock. These items are produced in increments varying from 28 to 365 days. There are three standard types of Flight Information Publications (Planning, Enroute and Terminal) that cover eight geographic areas throughout the world. Products: A complete list of available FLIP and related products is contained in the Defense Logistics Agency Electronic Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Other Geospatial Products, Section 2 - Flight Information Publications (FLIP).

Dod flip ifr supplement pdf