If you want to set one of your signatures as the standard signature, you can do this under “Select standard signature”– it’s also possible to select a different signature for replies and forwards.To format the text or add links, select the desired section of text and click on the respective option in the “Format” menu.In the text field on the right, only enter the information that you want to be attached to your e-mails in the future.Click on the plus symbol to add a new signature – by double-clicking on “Unnamed” you can create a label for the signature.This opens a new window in which you can create and edit your signatures.Under “E-mail”, find and select the “Signatures” button.Click on “Outlook” in the top-left menu bar and select “Settings” from the drop-down menu.But a signature in Outlook for macOS is still created with just a few clicks. If you use Outlook in combination with an Apple operating system, the interface of the e-mail client looks a bit different.

The individual steps are clearly illustrated in this YouTube tutorial: To do this, select the name that you’ve assigned to the new signature from the drop-down menu.